Winject dll injector
Winject dll injector

winject dll injector

This technique has in the past been demonstrated to be effective against a method of guarding processes against DLL injection. For example, if a process links to ‘ User32.dll’, ‘ GDI32.dll’, ‘ Kernel32.dll’ or any other library whose name ends in ‘32.dll’, it would be possible to load a library named ‘32.dll’. This step can be skipped if a suitable DLL name is already available in the target process.

  • Allocate some memory in the target process, and the name of the DLL to be injected is written to it.
  • This can be done by spawning the process or by keying off something created by that process that is known to exist – for instance, a window with a predictable title, or by obtaining a list of running processes and scanning for the target executable's filename.
  • Process manipulation functions such as CreateRemoteThread or code injection techniques such as AtomBombing, can be used to inject a DLL into a program after it has started.
  • DLL must be signed by a valid certificate.

    winject dll injector

    That is the right way to use legal DLL injection on current version of Windows - Windows 10.

  • DLLs listed under the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\AppCertDLLs are loaded into every process that calls the Win32 API functions CreateProcess, CreateProcessAsUser, CreateProcessWithLogonW, CreateProcessWithTokenW and WinExec.
  • Starting with Windows 8, the entire AppInit_DLL functionality is disabled when Secure Boot is enabled, regardless of code signing or registry settings. Beginning with Windows 7, the AppInit_DLL infrastructure supports code signing. Beginning with Windows Vista, AppInit_DLLs are disabled by default.

    winject dll injector

  • DLLs listed in the registry entry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\AppInit_DLLs are loaded into every process that loads User32.dll during the initial call of that DLL.
  • There are multiple ways on Microsoft Windows to force a process to load and execute code in a DLL that the authors did not intend:
  • 3.1 Copying a LoadLibrary-loaded DLL to a remote process.

  • Winject dll injector